Limiting neutrino magnetic moments with Borexino Phase-II solar neutrino data
M. Agostini et al. (The Borexino collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D 96, 091103(R) – Published 29 November 2017
[doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.96.091103] (preprint on arXiv)


A search for the solar neutrino effective magnetic moment has been performed using data from 1291.5 days exposure during the second phase of the Borexino experiment. No significant deviations from the expected shape of the electron recoil spectrum from solar neutrinos have been found, and a new upper limit on the effective neutrino magnetic moment of μeffν<2.8×1011 μB at 90% C.L. has been set using constraints on the sum of the solar neutrino fluxes implied by the radiochemical gallium experiments. Using the limit for the effective neutrino moment, new limits for the magnetic moments of the neutrino flavor states, and for the elements of the neutrino magnetic moments matrix for Dirac and Majorana neutrinos, are derived.

Limiting neutrino magnetic moments with Borexino Phase-II solar neutrino data

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