Borexino open data is a selection of experimental data acquired and analysed by the Borexino collaboration, which has been made freely available to anyone interested. You can find the data for some of our publications – together with a description – in the corresponding posts on this site (see “Open Data” category in the contents menu). Feel free to comment or ask for clarification.
Borexino was a particle physics experiment, a large liquid scintillator detector. It was located in “Hall C” of the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (approximately 150 km north-east of Rome, Italy). Its main goal was the study of the properties of low energy solar neutrinos. Data-taking began in May 2007 and ended in October 2021.
The exceptional levels of radiopurity reached by Borexino have made it possible to accomplish not only its primary goal, but also to produce many other interesting results both within and beyond the Standard Model of particle physics.
The Borexino experiment has been performed by a large international collaboration, featuring scientists from:
- Italy (INFN and Universities of Milano, Ferrara, Genova, Perugia, INFN Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Politecnico di Milano and GSSI);
- France (CEA Saclay and APC Paris);
- Germany (TUM München, MPI-K Heildelberg, TU Dresden, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Universities of Tübingen, Hamburg, and Mainz);
- Russia (JINR Dubna, Lomosonov State University, Kurchatov Institute Moscow and NPI St. Petersburg);
- Poland (Jagellonian University Krakow);
- Ukraine (INR Kiev);
- United States (Universities of Princeton, Hawaii, Massachusetts Amherst, Houston, UCLA and Virginia Polytechnic Institute).
…and more (see here for a more comprehensive and detailed list).