Topical issue on underground nuclear astrophysics and solar neutrinos: Impact on astrophysics, solar and neutrino physics

Topical issue on underground nuclear astrophysics and solar neutrinos: Impact on astrophysics, solar and neutrino physics Gianpaolo Bellini, Carlo Broggini and Alessandra Guglielmetti Eur. Phys. J. A (2016) 52: 88 Published online: 19 April 2016 [DOI:]  

The measurements of 2200 ETL9351 type photomultipliers for the Borexino experiment with the photomultiplier testing facility at LNGS

The measurements of 2200 ETL9351 type photomultipliers for the Borexino experiment with the photomultiplier testing facility at LNGS A.Ianni, P.Lombardi, G.Ranucci, O.Ju.Smirnov NIM-A Volume 537, Issue 3, 1 February 2005, Pages 683-697 doi:10.1016/j.nima.2004.07.249  (local copy) Preprint: arXiv:physics/0406138 Abstract The results of