Borexino calibrations: hardware, methods, and results Journal of Instrumentation, Volume 7, October 2012 H. Back et al 2012 JINST 7 P10018 Published 22 October 2012 [doi:10.1088/1748-0221/7/10/P10018] (preprint on arXiv) Abstract Borexino was the first experiment to detect solar neutrinos in real-time in the sub-MeV
Production and characterization of a custom-made 228Th source with reduced neutron source strength for the Borexino experiment
Production and characterization of a custom-made 228Th source with reduced neutron source strength for the Borexino experiment W. Maneschg, L. Baudis, R. Dressler, K. Eberhardt, R. Eichler, H. Keller, R. Lackner, B. Praast, R. Santorelli, J. Schreiner, M. Tarka, B.
The Borexino detector at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso
The Borexino detector at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso NIM-A Volume 600, Issue 3, 11 March 2009, Pages 568-593. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2008.11.076 (local copy; preprint on arXiv) Submitted 24 June 2008, Revised 25 October 2008, Accepted 7 November 2008, Available online
A multiplexed optical-fiber system for the PMT calibration of the Borexino experiment
We illustrate the PMT calibration system design for the Borexino experiment and the results of various feasibility tests performed.
A Rn-222 Source for Low-background Liquid Scintillation Detectors
A Rn-222 Source for Low-background Liquid Scintillation Detectors M. Johnson, J. Benziger, C. Stoia, F. P. Calaprice, M. Chen, N. Darnton, F. Loeser and R.B. Vogelaar. Nuclear Instruments and Methods – A Volume 414, Issues 2–3, 11 September 1998, Pages