Precision Measurements of Time Characteristics of ETL9351 Photomultipliers

Precision Measurements of Time Characteristics of ETL9351 Photomultipliers O.Ju.Smirnov, P.Lombardi, G.Ranucci Instruments and Experimental Techniques Volume 47, issue 1, pp. 69–80, January 2004 doi:10.1023/B:INET.0000017255.60520.e0 [local copy] Abstract The measured characteristics of 2200 photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) for the future Borexino experiment

Energy and Spatial Resolution of a Large-Volume Liquid-Scintillator Detector

Energy and Spatial Resolution of a Large-Volume Liquid-Scintillator Detector O. Ju. Smirnov Instruments and Experimental Techniques Vol.46 No.2, 327–344 (2003) doi:10.1023/A:1024458203966  [local copy] Abstract The energy and spatial resolution of a large-volume liquid-scintillator detector has been investigated. The relations have

Methods for precise photoelectron counting with photomultipliers

Measurements has been performed on a THORN EMI 9351 phototube in order to investigate its response to a low light intensity. Precise procedures to determine the intensity of the incident photon flux have been developed and compared. The data show that the various approaches give consistent and reliable results, thus allowing the precise calibration of the device for applications of photon counting.

An analytical approach to the description of absorption and reemission effects in large scintillation counters

An analytical approach to the description of absorption and reemission effects in large scintillation counters Gioacchino Ranucci Nuclear Instruments and Methods – A Volume 440, Issue 2, 1 February 2000, Pages 388-396 – ISSN 0168-9002 doi:10.1016/S0168-9002(99)00927-4  [local copy] Abstract It