Search for solar axions emitted in the M1-transition of 7Li* with Borexino CTF
G. Bellini, J. Benziger et All (The Borexino Collaboration)
The European Physical Journal C
Volume 54, issue 1, March 2008, pages 61–72
(Published doi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-008-0530-9
(local copy)
Results of background measurements with a prototype of the Borexino detector were used to search for 478 keV solar axions emitted in the M1-transitions of 7Li*. The Compton conversion of axion to a photon A+e→e+γ, axioelectric effect A+e+Z→e+Z, decay of axion in two photons A→2γ and Primakoff conversion on nuclei A+Z→γ+Z are considered. The upper limit on constants of interaction of axion with electrons, photons and nucleons – gAegAN≤(1.0–2.4)×10-10 at mA≤450 keV and gAγgAN≤5×10-9 GeV-1 at mA≤10 keV are obtained (90%c.l.). For heavy axions with mass at 100<mA<400 keV the limits gAe<(0.7–2.0)×10-8 and gAγ<10-9–10-8 are obtained in assumption that gAN depends on mA as for KSVZ axion model. These limits are stronger than obtained in previous laboratory-based experiments using nuclear reactor and artificial radioactive sources.