Geoneutrinos: production, propagation, and detection. Experimental and technological features of Borexino and KamLAND.
New interdisciplinary field between Geology and Physics: the study of the Earth’s geo-neutrino flux. Models, experiments, results.
Mantle geoneutrinos in KamLAND and Borexino
Mantle geoneutrinos in KamLAND and Borexino G. Fiorentini, G. L. Fogli, E. Lisi, F. Mantovani, and A. M. Rotunno Phys. Rev. D 86, 033004 – 3 August 2012 doi: 10.1103/PhysRevD.86.033004 Preprint: arXiv:1204.1923 Abstract The KamLAND and Borexino experiments have observed,