Solar Neutrino Physics at LNGS: Borexino and Gallex experiments. Video recording of the International Symposium at Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei in Rome.
pp-chain & CNO-cycle solar neutrinos with Borexino [video]
Unveiling the engine of the Sun: Measurements of the pp-chain and CNO-cycle solar neutrinos with Borexino (JINA-CEE – IReNA Online Seminar)
Borexino General Meeting – Special Open Session
Borexino Collaboration General Meeting at LNGS, Dec 1st, 2021 – Special Open Session: experiment history and achievements (incl. video and slides of the talks).
End of Borexino DAQ
End of Borexino DAQ occurred at 11:26 am of Oct. 7, 2021. Then detector decommissioning phase began. But we’re not done yet: stay tuned!
BOREXINO, anno 2020: una scoperta rivoluzionaria per l’astrofisica [video]
BOREXINO, anno 2020: una scoperta rivoluzionaria per l’astrofisica (italian language)
Detection of a 2nd Type of Nuclear Fusion Inside the Sun [video]
Detection of a 2nd Type of Nuclear Fusion Inside the Sun Recent Borexino results, pp and CNO cycles explained for general public in this nice video by Anton Petrov.
Perché le stelle brillano? L’ultima scoperta di Borexino [video]
Un approfondimento sugli ultimi risultati dell’esperimento Borexino, installato presso i Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso dell’INFN.
AsiTV: Borexino svela i segreti dei neutrini solari [video]
L’esperimento – situato al LNGS dell’INFN – ha individuato per la prima volta i neutrini prodotti nel Sole dal ciclo CNO.
Deciphering the solar neutrino flux and properties with Borexino [video]
After recalling the main features of the detector, the impressive solar data gathered so far by the experiment will be summarized.
La natura del Sole e dei neutrini – L’ esperimento Borexino [video]
La natura del Sole, i neutrini e Borexino spiegati in modo semplice. Video prodotto dai dip. di Fisica delle Università di Genova e Milano, LNGS ed INFN.
The nature of Sun and neutrinos – The Borexino experiment [video]
Nature of Sun, neutrinos and the Borexino experiment explained in a simple way. Video by the Universities of Genoa and Milan, LNGS and INFN.
AsiTV: Neutrini senza segreti per Borexino [video]
Borexino ha svelato per la prima volta lo spettro completo dei neutrini emessi dal Sole.
Video: Borexino internal nylon vessels installation
Videos of the Borexino nylon vessels installation (Jan – May, 2004). Here are some time-lapse videos of the whole operation, as seen by Borexino’s internal CCD photo-cameras, mounted on the Stainless Steel Sphere (inside dedicated sealed chambers, with special glass
Video: CTF2 filling
CTF2 filling (May 22 – Jun 18, 2001), time-lapse video from the CTF internal CCTV camera (consider the effects from reflection and refraction as the water level approaches and gets over the position of the camera).