Borexino was featured on a special stamp by the Italian Post Office. On September 16, 2014 the italian Ministry of Economic Development authorized the issue of an ordinary stamp dedicated to the National Laboratories of Gran Sasso (LNGS), in the value of € 0.70. The postage is included in the issue of four values belonging to the thematic series “The excellence of knowledge“, which includes three other National Laboratories of the INFN (Frascati, Legnaro and “Laboratori del Sud”).
Printed by the Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato SpA, the stamp will have a circulation of two million and seven hundred thousand copies.
The stamp, created by Cristina Bruscaglia, depicts the interior of the Borexino detector against a background image of traces left by particles in a cloud chamber.
The issue represents a tribute to INFN and its major research structures. “A recognition that honors us and recalls the Institute’s sixty-year activity in the field of fundamental research”, said INFN President Fernando Ferroni at the presentation to the Ministry of Economic Development. “Our national laboratories, the subject of the issue, are the backbone of INFN’s ability to be a protagonist in research. Infrastructures built in the past and continuously renewed to keep up with international competition. An important model for the country also in evolving picture of European infrastructure”.
We are honored and proud that our experiment has been chosen to represent the LNGS on the postage stamp.