Technological Novelties and Scientific Discoveries with the Borexino Experiment Gianpaolo Bellini (on behalf of the Borexino Collaboration) Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science, Vol. 74:369-388 (Volume publication date September 2024) First published as a Review in Advance on July
How the Sun and the Stars shine
Thanks to its extraordinary radiopurity, Borexino observed the two main fusion reactions in stars and will soon weigh in on a controversy relating to the birth of the Sun that challenges the SSM (G.Bellini & A.Ianni on CERN Courier)
Geoneutrinos and geoscience: an intriguing joint-venture
Geoneutrinos: production, propagation, and detection. Experimental and technological features of Borexino and KamLAND.
Science and Technology in very low energy neutrinos physics with Borexino
The study of very low energy neutrinos requires a suppression of the natural radioactivity. This is what Borexino succeeded to achieve.
Why and how the Sun and the stars shine
Borexino revealed for the first time the mechanisms powering the Sun and the other stars. In this article Prof. em. Gianpaolo Bellini describes the experiment and recollects its history and achievements (Il Nuovo Saggiatore Vol. 36, Anno 2020, No. 5-6, Pag. 82).
The impact of Borexino on the solar and neutrino physics
Summary of Borexino results: solar neutrino rates from pp, 7Be, pep, 8B, CNO, day/night asymmetry, seasonal variation, neutrino oscillation.
Technologies of the Borexino experiment: Introduction
Technologies of the Borexino experiment: Introduction Gianpaolo Bellini (guest editor) Int. Jour. Of Modern Physics Vol. 29 (2014) n. 16. DOI:
New interdisciplinary field between Geology and Physics: the study of the Earth’s geo-neutrino flux. Models, experiments, results.
Borexino and solar neutrinos
Borexino and solar neutrinos G. Bellini, A. Ianni, G. Ranucci La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento volume 35, issue 9, pages 481–537 (September 2012) DOI: Summary The neutrino oscillation is one of the most important insights of the last decades in
The Borexino detector at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso
The Borexino detector at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso NIM-A Volume 600, Issue 3, 11 March 2009, Pages 568-593. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2008.11.076 (local copy; preprint on arXiv) Submitted 24 June 2008, Revised 25 October 2008, Accepted 7 November 2008, Available online
Video: Borexino internal nylon vessels installation
Videos of the Borexino nylon vessels installation (Jan – May, 2004). Here are some time-lapse videos of the whole operation, as seen by Borexino’s internal CCD photo-cameras, mounted on the Stainless Steel Sphere (inside dedicated sealed chambers, with special glass
Borexino at Neutrino 2000 (proceedings)
Borexino – proceedings of the XIX International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, Sudbury, Canada, June 16 – 21, 2000
Borexino: Proposal for a low energy solar neutrino detector
Detailed Proposal for the Borexino experiment at LNGS, a real time detector for low energy solar neutrino, by G. Bellini, R. S. Raghavan et al.