BOREXINO, anno 2020: una scoperta rivoluzionaria per l’astrofisica (italian language)
Science and Technology in very low energy neutrinos physics with Borexino
The study of very low energy neutrinos requires a suppression of the natural radioactivity. This is what Borexino succeeded to achieve.
Doctoral (PhD), master’s and graduation thesis on Borexino
Borexino listed in 2020 Top Ten of Physics World
Borexino experiment is listed in the 2020 Top Ten of Physics World. It was “chosen for observing neutrinos from the carbon–nitrogen–oxygen (CNO) cycle in the Sun”.
Detection of a 2nd Type of Nuclear Fusion Inside the Sun [video]
Detection of a 2nd Type of Nuclear Fusion Inside the Sun Recent Borexino results, pp and CNO cycles explained for general public in this nice video by Anton Petrov.
Perché le stelle brillano? L’ultima scoperta di Borexino [video]
Un approfondimento sugli ultimi risultati dell’esperimento Borexino, installato presso i Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso dell’INFN.
Why and how the Sun and the stars shine
Borexino revealed for the first time the mechanisms powering the Sun and the other stars. In this article Prof. em. Gianpaolo Bellini describes the experiment and recollects its history and achievements (Il Nuovo Saggiatore Vol. 36, Anno 2020, No. 5-6, Pag. 82).
Sensitivity to neutrinos from the solar CNO cycle in Borexino
Sensitivity to neutrinos from the solar CNO cycle in Borexino Eur. Phys. J. C 80, 1091 (2020) [doi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-020-08534-2] published 26 November 2020 (cover story) This paper have been been highlighted on EPJ C Highlight, Springer Research News and Europhysics News
AsiTV: Borexino svela i segreti dei neutrini solari [video]
L’esperimento – situato al LNGS dell’INFN – ha individuato per la prima volta i neutrini prodotti nel Sole dal ciclo CNO.
Experimental evidence of neutrinos produced in the CNO fusion cycle in the Sun (Nature cover story)
For most of their existence, stars are powered by fusion of hydrogen into helium via two processes that are well understood theoretically: the proton–proton chain, dominant in relatively small stars like our Sun, and the Carbon–Nitrogen–Oxygen cycle, which is prevalent in bigger, more massive stars. Borexino got the first experimental evidence of neutrinos emitted by the CNO cycle in the Sun core.
Deciphering the solar neutrino flux and properties with Borexino [video]
After recalling the main features of the detector, the impressive solar data gathered so far by the experiment will be summarized.
Search for low-energy neutrinos from astrophysical sources with Borexino
Search for low-energy neutrinos from astrophysical sources with Borexino Astroparticle Physics Volume 125, February 2021, 102509 doi:10.1016/j.astropartphys.2020.102509 (Submitted 1 October 2019, Available online 1 September 2020) Abstract We report on searches for neutrinos and antineutrinos from astrophysical sources performed with
Neutrinos confirm rare solar fusion process
Neutrinos confirm rare solar fusion process (CERN Courier) Despite being our closest star, much remains to be learned about the exact nature of the Sun and how it produces its energy. Two different fusion processes are thought to be at
Nature news: Neutrinos reveal final secret of Sun’s nuclear fusion
Detection of particles produced by the Sun’s core supports long-held theory about how our star is powered. By catching neutrinos emanating from the Sun’s core, physicists have filled in the last missing detail of how nuclear fusion powers the stars.
La natura del Sole e dei neutrini – L’ esperimento Borexino [video]
La natura del Sole, i neutrini e Borexino spiegati in modo semplice. Video prodotto dai dip. di Fisica delle Università di Genova e Milano, LNGS ed INFN.
The nature of Sun and neutrinos – The Borexino experiment [video]
Nature of Sun, neutrinos and the Borexino experiment explained in a simple way. Video by the Universities of Genoa and Milan, LNGS and INFN.
Improved measurement of 8B solar neutrinos with 1.5 kt⋅y of Borexino exposure
Improved measurement of 8B solar neutrinos with 1.5 kt⋅y of Borexino exposure M. Agostini et al. (Borexino Collaboration) Phys. Rev. D 101, 062001 – Published 6 March 2020 doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.101.062001 Abstract We report on an improved measurement of the 8B solar neutrino
Constraints on flavor-diagonal non-standard neutrino interactions from Borexino Phase-II
Constraints on flavor-diagonal non-standard neutrino interactions from Borexino Phase-II The Borexino CollaborationJournal of High Energy Physics 2020, 38Published 5 February 2020 [doi:10.1007/JHEP02(2020)038] (preprint on arXiv) Data availability The datasets generated during the current study are freely available: see below (scroll
Comprehensive geoneutrino analysis with Borexino
Comprehensive geoneutrino analysis with Borexino Phys. Rev. D 101, 012009 – Published 21 January 2020 [doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.101.012009] (preprint on arXiv). This paper have been been highlighted with a synopsis: “Earth As a Neutrino Source”. Data availability The datasets generated during the
Simultaneous precision spectroscopy of pp, 7Be and pep solar neutrinos with Borexino Phase-II
Simultaneous precision spectroscopy of pp, 7Be and pep solar neutrinos with Borexino Phase-II Phys. Rev. D 100, Issue 8 , 082004 – 15 October 2019 [doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.100.082004] Abstract We present the simultaneous measurement of the interaction rates pp, RBe, Rpep of pp, 7Be, and pep solar neutrinos performed with a global fit to the
Modulations of the cosmic muon signal in ten years of Borexino data
Modulations of the cosmic muon signal in ten years of Borexino data Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics Volume 2019, February 22, 2019 [doi:10.1088/1475-7516/2019/02/046] (Open Access) Abstract We have measured the flux of cosmic muons in the Laboratori Nazionali del
Comprehensive measurement of pp-chain solar neutrinos
Comprehensive measurement of pp-chain solar neutrinos Nature volume 562, pages 505–510 (2018) Published: 24 October 2018 [doi:10.1038/s41586-018-0624-y] (full text here) Data availability The datasets generated during the current study are freely available: see below. Additional information is available from the Borexino Collaboration
AsiTV: Neutrini senza segreti per Borexino [video]
Borexino ha svelato per la prima volta lo spettro completo dei neutrini emessi dal Sole.
The Borexino collaboration mourns the loss of Corrado Salvo
The Borexino collaboration mourn the premature loss of their friend and colleague Corrado Salvo (Genova 27/12/1948 – Assergi 01/06/2018). For almost two decades he has provided precious contributions to the experiment, both in the technical and scientific field.
Limiting neutrino magnetic moments with Borexino Phase-II solar neutrino data
Limiting neutrino magnetic moments with Borexino Phase-II solar neutrino data M. Agostini et al. (The Borexino collaboration) Phys. Rev. D 96, 091103(R) – Published 29 November 2017 [doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.96.091103] (preprint on arXiv) Abstract A search for the solar neutrino effective magnetic moment has been